Online workshop How to Get a Postdoc 24 January 2025
ARCHON is organizing a workshop for PhD students: How to get a postdoc. This workshop will be organized with the aim to offer PhD students information about what they can expect from a postdoc position and how to (successfully) apply for one. Topics such as different kinds of postdoc-positions, how to apply for positions and how to write an application will be discussed. The workshop will be given by research grants specialist Marco Last. More information >>
Introduction Course Photography for Archaeologists 5-6 February 2025
In this introductory course, you will familiarize yourself with the basic principles of photography and learn the possibilities of your camera. You will learn to take good photos of archaeological objects using simple means or with studio lamps and will be provided with some tips for photography ‘in the field’. More information >>
Steentijddag 8 Februari 2025 (in Dutch)
De Steentijddag is een jaarlijks terugkerend evenement dat altijd plaatsvindt op de eerste zaterdag in februari. Wegens beschikbaarheid van de zaal is het dit jaar op de tweede zaterdag van februari, in plaats van normaal gesproken op de eerste. Dankzij de Call for Papers en veel interessante ontdekkingen uit afgelopen tijd is het wederom gelukt om een gevarieerde dag samen te stellen met bijdragen over interessant onderzoek, nieuwe sprekers en welkome zuiderburen. More information >>
CRASIS Annual Meeting & Master Class 13-14 February 2025
The CRASIS Annual Meeting and Masterclass is a two-day event, designed to promote discussion and the exchange of ideas about the ancient world across traditional disciplinary boundaries among graduate students, postdocs, and established scholars. This year, our theme will be ‘Approaching the Ancient World from Below’. More information >>
SAMPL Congres 14 February 2025 (in Dutch)
SAMPL is de vereniging voor materiaalspecialisten in de Nederlandse archeologie. Bij dit jaarlijkse congres – gehouden bij de RCE – worden door (materiaal)specialisten lezingen gegeven over recente ontwikkelingen of ontdekkingen in de Nederlandse archeologie. Daarnaast wordt tijdens het congres de (aanstormende) materiaalspecialisten ruim de tijd geboden om middels de diverse werkgroepen bij elkaar te komen, ideeën uit te wisselen en samenwerkingsverbanden te smeden. More information >>
PhD Skills Course ‘R and Statistics for Archaeologists’ 19 February – 5 March 2025
This course equips archaeologists with fundamental statistical concepts and practical skills in R programming, focusing on data analysis and effective communication of results. Participants will learn essential statistical techniques, including descriptive statistics, hypothesis testing, and basic regression analysis, specifically tailored to archaeological research. More information >>
Continuous online courses
ARCHON has selected some skills courses that can be followed online at your own pace:
- QGIS course
- ArcGIS course
- Working with databases course
- Rchon statistics course
- Drone Archaeology course
ARCHON members can obtain credits by submitting a report afterwards.
As of May 2024, Dr. Heleen van Londen is taking the place of Prof. Vladimir Stissi in the ARCHON Board on behalf of the University of Amsterdam. We are looking forward to have her on board, and extend our thanks to Vladimir for his long service in the ARCHON Board.
We are happy to announce that from 1 January onward Myrthe Sassen will be the new coordinator of ARCHON. Myrthe is a former RMA student from the University of Leiden, and will take over from Yannic Rabou who has chosen a new direction in her career. We want to thank Yannic for her commitment and enthusiasm over the past two years, and are looking forward to having Myrthe on board.
As of 13 December 2023, Dr Rien Polak (Radboud University Nijmegen) is the ARCHON representative in the Centraal College van Deskundigen (CCvD) of SIKB. In this position, he will advocate the interests of academic archaeological research within Dutch archaeological heritage management, in collaboration with Femke Tomas (Saxion University), who holds the seat for education.
In order to facilitate student mobility, ARCHON reimburses up to 60 euros per year (per student) for traveling to and from Groningen for attending educational activities. Travel is only reimbursed for students who send in an evaluation report in order to claim ECTs. Contact our secretary for more information.
Do you want to stay up to date on ARCHON supported events, funding opportunities and calls for poster/papers/abstracts? Both ARCHON members and non-members can subscribe to out mailinglist. Her you can find the sign up form to the ARCHON mailing list.
RMA students, PhD students and staff members of the participating institutions can all become members of ARCHON. Membership of ARCHON will give you access to its educational activities, bring you into contact with fellow students and researchers and will provide opportunities to present your work. Read more >>
Are you a staff member, PhD researcher or RMA student and are you considering organizing an event on your research topic? Did you know that Archon can help you organize and host such events? Read more >>
ARCHON encourages PhD and RMA students to attend and speak at conferences abroad. Therefore we annually award a limited number of conference subsidies to RMA and PhD students for presenting a paper or poster at an international conference. Read more >>
ARCHON wants to motivate PhD and RMA students to publish their research! To help you get started, we organize a workshop Publishing for Early Career Researchers, and we have listed a number of online journals that are are open to, or especially meant for, publishing research from Graduate and PhD students. Read more>>
The Early Career Archaeologist community created an extensive resource including vacancies, upcoming conferences, data archives and more! More information >>
This index offers an extensive list of upcoming conferences about archaeology. More information >>
A number of prizes and awards are available for RMA and PhD students in the Netherlands. We keep track of them in a spreadsheet that you access here.
Check out Erik Rossenberg’s blog postgraduate opportunities in Archaeology for an up-to-date list of PhD and postdoc positions in archaeology.
John’s Hopkins University has set up a continuously updated repository of federal and private funding opportunities that are intended for postdoctoral investigators. The opportunities are pre-sorted chronologically and alphabetically, and can be searched by funding amount and subject matter.
Arches project (open source software platform) job opportunities.
Fund┋it collects and presents on a single website all research grants and fellowships (post-PhD) available for scholars in the social sciences and humanities in France.